
Supporters of the campaign are organisations from around the country that work directly with young people. Many are non-profit and community organisations that work in local communities around Australia offering support, accommodation, and prevention and early intervention services.

National - New South Wales - Australian Capital Territory - Victoria - South Australia - Western Australia - Northern Territory - Queensland - Tasmania



ACYS provides support youth organisations, youth workers, youth researchers and young people themselves, as well as policymakers, researchers and practitioners in other sectors working with youth.

New South Wales



Yfoundations is the NSW youth homelessness peak body. We work to identify and address the structural causes of youth homelessness through policy advice, advocacy and state-wide programs. Our programs reflect the five foundations of wellbeing, home & place, diversity, connections and fairness.


Based on the Lower North Shore of Sydney, Phoenix House provides medium and long-term accommodation to young people coupled with case management and support. The organisation works on a relational model that looks to builds connections in young people's lives.

Our mission is for young people to have a safe and secure home and access to opportunities in the community. We offer early intervention, community care, youth housing and outreach services to young people in need and their families. Covering the Northern Beaches of Sydney we are one of the oldest youth homelessness support and housing organisations in NSW.


We are a not-for-profit organisation that aims to provide opportunities and capacity to young people so that they can participate, engage and belong in the community. Based in the inner west of Sydney we provide youth housing, outreach support and family remediation services.

he Come In Youth Resource Centre (the Centre) is a non-government adolescent counselling and support service operated by St Francis Social Services in Paddington. The service has been operating since 1978 and over this time, it has provided therapy, counselling, advocacy and practical assistance to highly disadvantaged young people who either reside in or move through the inner-city of Sydney.

Stretch-A-Family (SAF) has been providing out-of-home care for young people for the last 35 years. Based in Stanmore, our vision is to provide young people with a safe and nurturing environment in order to meet their individual needs. We are an accredited Adolescent Fostering and  Residential Care Provider for 7 – 18 year old children and young people who need out-of-home care.

Established in 1993, Sydney's Creative Youth Initiative (CYI), is a unique service that provides free creative programs for young people aged 16 - 25 who are facing many and varied challenges in their lives, such as homelessness, mental health issues, substance abuse, family breakdown, unemployment and poor educational experiences.

About us

SydWest MSI provides and connects people from all cultures to services that meet individual, family and social needs to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming more self-sufficient, capable and valuable members of Australian society. We focus specifically on people most in need during initial periods of settlement as humanitarian entrants, refugees, people with disabilities, seniors, youth and children.

At Bankstown Multicultural Youth Service Inc. we are committed to breaking down the barriers that exist for young people in our community. The service exists for the use by and benefit of young people aged 12 – 24 years of the Bankstown Local Government Area (LGA) to live with cultural harmony and understanding.

The Turning Point is primarily a community based medium to long term accommodation service for young people aged 15 to 18 years, who are unable to live at home. The reasons for this will vary. The service is funded through a joint state/federal government initiative to intervene in youth homelessness and is located in Richmond, on the north-western outskirts of Sydney. We can currently accommodate up to four young people in the house (usually up to 12 months but sometimes longer depending on age and circumstances), and several more in our flats (for a maximum period of 12 months).

We offer medium term (3-12 months) supported accommodation for young women 14-18 years old of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The service focuses on case management, living skills program, referral, advocacy, transition to independent living if appropriate, educational and recreational workshops including family mediation where appropriate. Post crisis follow up and early intervention also provided.

About us

Mission Australia's Canterbury Bankstown Youth Services provides a range of services that support young people who are homeless or are at risk of being so. These include prevention and early intervention, crisis resolution, transitional and semi-independent accommodation, post-crisis support and case management services. CBYS offers three accommodation options and a range of support services that help young people deal with challenges such as homelessness, mental health, family or relationship breakdowns, drug and alcohol, immigration, as well as education and employment.

About us


Nepean Youth Accommodation Service can provide immediate housing for young people who have nowhere else to go, or if the only place is someone else's couch! But we provide more than just a roof over your head. We support young people (aged 13 – 24) living in the Nepean region, which includes Penrith, the Hawkesbury and the Blue Mountains.

The Youth Accommodation Interagency Nepean is a network of services that work with young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. YAIN covers the Blue Mountains, Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blacktown and Hills LGA’s. Services can participate in monthly General Meetings, email list, weekly newsletter, campaigns and events. We hold events and forums to build sector capacity as well as work on advocacy projects that aim to address the structural causes and perceptions of youth homelessness.

South Penrith Youth & Neighborhood Services is a community based independent organisation. What this means is that local people interested in the community, with skills to share, come together to oversee the management and direction of the organisation. Being independent means we are not religiously or politically affiliated with any particular ideology.


The Mountains Youth Services Team is a not-for-profit organisation in the Blue Mountains of Sydney that supports the development of disadvantaged young people by providing relevant and dynamic programs that empower young people to grow intellectually. We operate a diverse range of services including youth centres in Katoomba, Springwood and Winmalee, adolescent and family counselling service, in-school and early school leaver personal support programs, outdoor recreation programs and a comprehensive outreach service.

The Glue Factory, is a ‘hub service” that provides support to young people aged between 12 and 25 who are; in crisis, vulnerable or dealing with drug and alcohol issues. The service will support clients with a range of support packages and programs, including accommodation, health, income support, access to education/ training and employment options, alcohol and other drug counselling and referrals, mental health support, recreational resources, life skills, legal, parenting and general welfare support.

Blue Mountains Youth Accommodation and Support Service was created in 2006 following the integration of Open House Youth Accommodation Service and Katoomba Youth Refuge. Individually these services have been operating to assist young people who were homeless or at risk of homelessness since 1979.

Project Youth Inc is a not for profit community organisation that has been operating for 20 years. Our aim is to provide opportunities for young people to determine their own future. We offer housing and support, in addition to a range of other programs, for young people in the Sutherland Shire.

St Joey's Youth Serivce is for all young people between the ages of 12 and 25. We provide outreach support for young people who would like support with education, advocacy, budgeting, life skills, employment and family  and parenting support.

The Drum Youth Resource Centre is a youth service that supports vulnerable and homeless young people between the ages of 12-24 in the Macarthur region. Youth workers at The Drum work with young people on a broad range of issues such as accommodation, health, income, relationships, employment, education, drugs and alcohol, mental health, legal matters, living skills, recreation, parenting and general welfare.

About us

Pathfinders is a holistic service provider for vulnerable young people and their families in the North England region of NSW. Providing a range of programs from youth accommodation to crime prevention services, we aim to make a positive impact on the lives of children, young people and their families.

Wesley Mission's Reconnect program, based in Penrith, aims to prevent homelessness and reduce its impact by providing outreach support for young people and their families. Reconnect works closely with the whole family and aims to provide reconciliation between the young person and his or her family. The program also assists young people to remain engaged with work, education, training and the community which is vital to long term stability and opportunities.


We are a non-for-profit organsation that provides a broad range of service, programs and opportunuties for young people and thier families across the North Coast. We believe in and celebrate young people! We offer youth and family support programs as well as community building programs.

Ballina District Community Services Association Inc (BDCSA) is a not-for-profit, community managed organisation that has provided services, projects and support to young people, disadvantaged people, people with disabilities, people who are frail aged, people with dementia, and their carers, in the Northern Rivers area since 1987. BDCSA now manages 35 programs including services for both the disadvantaged and the wider community.

The Byron Bay Youth House is a Specialist Homeless Services (SHS) funded program. We provide Crisis Accommodation in our refuge, Early Intervention and Medium Term Transitional Housing. We accommodate homeless/or at risk of becoming homeless young people
aged between 16 and 24 years of age. The BBYH 30th Birthday coincides with YHMD and we are celebrating
both events.


YES Youth & Family Services is a not-for-profit non-governmental community for young people and their families. We provide a range of services and programs to assist young people and families ranging from school based programs, case-management support services, counselling services through to specialist youth homelessness services and crisis accommodation. Our main office is situated in Albury and we also have an office in Wagga Wagga.

 Australian Capital Territory


Anglicare ACT offers a range of programs for vulnerable young people and their families. We run The Junction Youth Health Service based in Canberra, which provides cutting-edge primary health services to young people at risk. The service offers outreach health programs to young people across the ACT. We also run CyclopsACT, a website for young carers.

The Youth Coalition is the peak youth affairs body in the ACT. Comprised of 100 members, programs, and individuals the Youth Coalition is responsible for representing and promoting the interests and wellbeing of young people aged 12 to 25 years and those who work with them.We actively promote the well being and aspirations of young people in the ACT with particular respect to their social, political, cultural, spiritual, economic and educational development.


Marist Youth Care in the spirit of Marcellin Champagnat, stands in solidarity with young people at risk in their struggle for wholeness of life.
We endeavour to nurture these young people with care, love and understanding and, where possible, attempt to reconcile them with their families. In working with children and adolescents, we are prepared to go beyond recognised limits of care and tolerance. Through a variety of programs we invite these young people to continue to take charge of their lives.


Run by Concern Australia, Steps Outreach Service is a small team of dedicated workers and volunteers who spend time at the Steps of Flinders St Station, forming relationship with young homeless people. We help them out with whatever their needs may be - referral to other services and advocacy, helping them to access emergency and longer term accommodation, or to reconcile with their families.

 The Salvation Army Crossroads Youth & Family Services is a Network of services working with individuals, families and young people in the Melbourne Central Division of The Salvation Army’s Australia Southern Territory. Crossroads provide an integrated response to the needs of young people and families, as well as women and children experiencing family violence, homelessness, and other forms of structural disadvantage or dislocation. In addition, we continue to offer our Bushfire Recovery Program as well as a suite of counselling services including financial counselling, Gambler’s Help, sexual assault and generalist counselling.

South Australia


HomelessnessSA was officially launched on Friday March 2 2001, as a result of the coming together of three peak groups who represented agencies funded through the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP). Our mission is undertake advocacy, networking and community education on homelessness in South Australia.

Western Australia


YACWA is the peak non-government youth organisation in Western Australia. We operate primarily as a human rights organisation that seeks to address the exclusion of young people in a rapidly changing society. YACWA provides a voice and acts as a role model for the definition and demonstration of youth participation. Our work is governed by four guiding principles of respect, equity, integrity and the celebration of diversity.

Shelter WA has operated in Western Australia since 1979 as a peak housing body that represents and lobbies on behalf of community groups and housing consumers.The work of Shelter WA is directed towards the elimination of homelessness and housing related poverty and ensuring that every person has access to secure, adequate and appropriate housing at a price within their capacity to pay in the public, private or community sectors.


Northern Territory


Anglicare NT is a significant provider of culturally relevant community services across urban, rural, regional and remote areas of the Northern Territory. Quality client services and innovative capacity building activities are underpinned by Community Development Principles. The program cluster known as Youth Early Intervention Support & Development Initiatives is comprised of four key integrated work units know as Youth Accommodation Alternative Residential Care & Support, Youth Health, Youth Homelessness Early Intervention and Youth Participation, Group Work & Professional Development.



A statewide coalition of organisations & individuals advocating for and with disadvantaged, marginalised and homeless young people and supporting the services that work with them. We are self funded for our housing and homelessness work and reliant on community donations to continue this.

Brisbane Youth Service (BYS) is a community-based organisation that works with homeless or at-risk young people aged 12-25 years. Now in our 35th year of operation in 2012, BYS has provided long-term assistance to help young people make more positive choices. Our comprehensive services range across several levels of immediacy and intensity from basic needs such as food and showers through to intensive personal support.

SunnyKids provides 30,000 nights of emergency accommodation for women and children across Queensland and Victoria per year, 75 per cent of which is provided to children. Whilst Government subsidies are primarily directed towards supporting the women in our services, children specific supports must be funded through donations and fundraising.

YouthCare Hervey Bay offers emergency accommodation for disadvantaged and homeless young people in the Hervey Bay region.





NOT is the peak body for the non-government youth sector in Tasmania. It is funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, through the Community Development Division, to improve the Tasmanian community's response to youth issues by: Involving young people and service providers in identifying and responding to youth issues; Developing coordinating mechanisms across the youth sector; and providing advice to government and other agencies on youth issues. YNOT also encompasses the Tasmanian Youth Forum (TYF) and the Tasmanian Youth Conference.


Launch Youth provide accommodation and holistic case management for our residents – as well as outreach – to help homeless youths build self-worth so they can stand on their own feet and reach their full potential. We are currently Hobart’s only transitional supported accommodation with case support for young men. We provide fully supervised in-house support to 6 men aged from 13-18 years, and supervised care to 4 men aged 16 – 20 years living more independently.

We are a non-profit organisation based on the North West Coast of Tasmania. We provide young people and families in the region with access to the support, encouragement and resources they need to make a positive contribution to their community. This is achieved through the identification of issues and the development then implementation of appropriate tools and strategies.

Launceston Drummers is the largest drumming group in Tasmania. We hold two free drum circles each month. We alternate between the First Basin of the Gorge, and the Rotunda of the Launceston City Park. We mostly use the African Djembe drum and we have eight club drums for visitors. No pre skills are needed, and we have drummers at all skill levels.

Launceston Drummers is not just another music group, as we have a social agenda, which enables socially isolated people, to join in with drumming and community activities. We have 93 people on our mailing list at present, and we average 25 drummers at our fortnightly drum circles. We have sight impaired members, as well as people with mental and health problems, and those with limited finance. To many, our drum circles are the highlight of their week.

Anglicare Tasmania Inc responds to Tasmanians living in poverty and crisis by providing various support services around the state.


The Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) is the peak body for the community services sector in Tasmania. Our membership comprises individuals and organisations active in the provision of community services to low income, vulnerable and disadvantaged Tasmanians. TasCOSS represents the interests of its members and their clients to government, regulators, the public, the private sector and to the media. TasCOSS meets regularly with political leaders and other key decision makers, and is an active participant in social and economic policy consultations, forums and committees.

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